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Dalian Yongpeng Jinnuo heavy head Co., Ltd

TEL:13998679967 /
Ming Yue Wang:
0411-66529918 0411-85766630
Address: No. 63, Liuwa street, Changxing Island Economic Zone, Dalian

It is normal that the industrial Internet has no return in the short term. For small and medium-sized enterprises

Browse 1895 Release time 2021-11-04 15:15:47

1. Understand the policy and market opportunities and study the innovation and development law of industrial Internet.
2. Adhere to the value orientation and learn the construction of industrial Internet platform.
3. Continue to pull demand and try to develop industrial Internet application scenarios.
4. Strive for collaborative innovation and jointly build the construction of industrial Internet ecosystem.
5. Plan the route in advance and pay full attention to safety and talent training.
Whether industrial Internet related enterprises or platforms can succeed in this change, their own ecosystem needs to continue to maintain symbiosis, coevolution and collaborative development. Of course, users continue to maintain "Stickiness", which is also a key factor. Finally, in view of the fact that the overall platform construction is in the exploration stage, industrial Internet enterprises must actively promote multiple subjects from different angles to become the integrator of industrial resources and the builder of application ecology, improve the platform function and enhance the platform competitiveness.
The innovative construction of the business model of industrial Internet enterprises requires both internal and external forces. It is the result of the joint action of internal and external forces, practical exploration and theoretical refinement. The business model must be continuously developed and enriched in practical innovation

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