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What kind of enterprise is suitable for? How should b-end enterprises integrate into the industrial Internet?

Browse 2028 Release time 2021-11-04 15:15:24

Cross industry platforms or leading enterprises in specific industries are more suitable for leading industrial Internet platforms. Because the operation level of such enterprises is relatively high, the standardization and modularization of business processes can form external enabling solutions. Other enterprises can think more about how to realize the empowerment of industrial Internet on their own business and how to promote the digital transformation of enterprise products, business models or internal processes.
Industrial Internet is more to form the basis of application in the industry. It is impossible for every enterprise to establish a platform, nor can there be many industry-level and cross industry-level industrial Internet platforms. Some enterprises have the ability to become platform builders, so more enterprises can strive to become platform participants. Finding the enterprise is own positioning in the platform and obtaining the services provided by the platform is the problem that most enterprises should consider.
In addition, because end B is a platform with strong service and long decision-making cycle, there are many variable factors in the middle, which are inseparable from various continuous services of service providers. Therefore, customer positioning should be clear, and industrial Internet entrepreneurs must quickly distinguish their target customers. For example, large companies have a long decision-making cycle and many choices, so large companies are not necessarily the first choice for b-end products. On the contrary, it would be a better choice to serve a large number of small and medium-sized customers first. Many of these customers do not have independent digital development capabilities, and their decision-making cycle is very fast. At this stage, they are more willing to embrace the Internet.

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