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It is an important engine to promote high-quality economic development and usher in new opportunities for development

Browse 4565 Release time 2021-11-04 15:14:57

As a key path to promote the deep integration of digital economy and real economy, industrial Internet has now become the primary choice for major economies in the world to promote high-quality economic development. At the same time, it is also promoting the in-depth transformation of production mode, organization form, business paradigm and innovation mode, as well as the reconstruction process of industrial chain, value chain and industrial chain.

According to the statistics of China Industrial Internet Research Institute, at present, the total number of industrial Internet platforms in China has exceeded 500, of which the top ten key platforms serve more than 80000 industrial enterprises. The construction of industrial Internet infrastructure system is stepping up. It will build a production system with data resources as the core, promote the upgrading of production mode of small and medium-sized enterprises, and form a collaborative pattern of large enterprises building platforms and small and medium-sized enterprises using and using platforms.
On the capital side, industrial Internet related enterprises also act frequently. Industrial Internet enterprise Qiyun technology completed a + round of financing;  Lingyunguang technology obtained strategic financing from industrial Fulian;  Haier cosmoplat completed a round of financing of 950 million yuan; Ge Chuang Dongzhi, an industrial Internet company under TCL, has completed 100 million level a round of financing... There is a huge space for these industries to reduce costs and increase efficiency through industrial Internet and other technical means.
In March this year, when the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting, it pointed out that we should accelerate the construction of major projects and infrastructure defined in the national plan, as well as the construction of new infrastructure such as industrial Internet, 5g network and AI. According to public information, as of March 1, 13 provinces and cities in China have released the investment plan list of key projects in 2020. This investment list includes 10326 projects, with a total investment amount of about 34 trillion. It will create more than millions of new jobs. Behind the huge data, there is a broad market.
The development of industrial Internet is not only the need for enterprise transformation and upgrading, but also the thrust to promote the continuous transformation of old and new kinetic energy. It is also an important support to continuously create new economic growth points. It has become an important engine to promote high-quality economic development.

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