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Dalian Yongpeng Jinnuo heavy head Co., Ltd

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What changes will the industrial Internet platform bring to the manufacturing industry?

Browse 1943 Release time 2021-11-04 15:14:20

Industrial Internet platform is also the core of new ecological competition in manufacturing industry. China has a large industrial base, but the operation efficiency of a large number of industrial equipment is not too high. Relying on the Internet and other information technology means to change the industrial process, process and quality, the effect of transformation and upgrading will be very huge. This is the direct value that the industrial Internet can bring to traditional manufacturing enterprises.
Providing service-oriented manufacturing, allowing customers to use it well and ensuring that customers do not have problems has become a new core value. It is an opportunity for the service provider to remotely collect the customer is data, conduct remote data analysis and fault diagnosis, and inform the customer in advance whether there will be a problem.
Take an actual enterprise customer of huicong.com as an example. It is a fan equipment manufacturer, an equipment integrator of main shaft, rotor and substation box, and also provides wind farm operation and maintenance. Many customers contract the relevant business to them as a whole. In this way, it is not difficult to see that with the development of industrial Internet, more and more new forms of industrial models will appear in the future.
The industrial Internet not only promotes the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, realizes the more optimal allocation of various resources and improves industrial economic benefits. Moreover, we will accelerate the cultivation of emerging industries and give birth to many new industries such as intelligent production, networked coordination, service extension and personalized customization.

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