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What is the industrial Internet?

Browse 2009 Release time 2021-11-04 15:13:52

Let is take a look at the official definition: the industrial Internet is a key infrastructure that links the whole industrial system, the whole industrial chain and the whole value chain and supports the development of industrial intelligence. It is an emerging business form and application mode formed by the deep integration of the new generation of information technology and manufacturing industry. It is the core carrier for the expansion of the Internet from consumption to production and from virtual economy to real economy.
In short, the Internet now connects people, while the industrial Internet should realize the connection of people, machines and things.
In April this year, the national development and Reform Commission defined the scope of the new infrastructure for the first time, and the industrial Internet was officially included in the new infrastructure information infrastructure. After making important instructions to promote the development of industrial Internet for four consecutive years, the industrial Internet has once again been characterized by official authority. On June 30, the central high-level meeting once again proposed to speed up the innovation and construction of industrial Internet and improve the development level of digitization, networking and intelligence of manufacturing industry. In the capital market, the relevant sectors of industrial Internet have strengthened, and several stocks have been raised and closed, which shows the great market influence and demand.

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