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Policy interpretation: digital transformation is the key to the innovative development of industrial Internet

Browse 1891 Release time 2021-11-04 15:13:02

Recently, at the 14th meeting of the central comprehensive Deepening Reform Commission, the three-year action plan for the reform of state-owned enterprises (2020-2022) and the guiding opinions on deepening the integrated development of new generation information technology and manufacturing industry were considered and adopted. The meeting stressed that to accelerate the integrated development of a new generation of information technology and manufacturing industry, we should comply with the trend of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change, take the supply side structural reform as the main line and intelligent manufacturing as the main direction, accelerate the innovative development of industrial Internet, accelerate the fundamental change of manufacturing production mode and enterprise form, and consolidate the basic support for integrated development, Improve laws and regulations and improve the development level of digitization, networking and intelligence of manufacturing industry.
Key points:
1. What is the industrial Internet? Only when the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain are jointly promoted can it play a full role.
2. Industrial Internet can transform traditional manufacturing enterprises from selling products to selling services.
3. The government has increased support and promotion, and the industrial Internet industry economy has made a great contribution to GDP growth, or driven more than one million jobs.
4. Cross industry platforms or leading enterprises in specific industries are more suitable for leading industrial Internet platforms.
With the phased implementation and promotion of the state, the industrial Internet can be said to have attracted much attention this year. In July 2018, the Ministry of information technology issued the guide to the construction and promotion of industrial Internet platform and the evaluation method of industrial Internet platform; On January 18, 2019, the Ministry of industry and information technology issued the guidelines for the construction and promotion of industrial Internet networks; In March, "industrial Internet" became a "hot word" and was written into the 2019 government work report

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