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Dalian Yongpeng Jinnuo heavy head Co., Ltd

TEL:13998679967 /
Ming Yue Wang:
0411-66529918 0411-85766630
Address: No. 63, Liuwa street, Changxing Island Economic Zone, Dalian

The company cares for Party members in difficulties and presents them to the party is Centennial birthday

Browse 2282 Release time 2021-07-04 14:33:48

On June 29, 2021, our company appointed Pu Qiuzi, director of the office, to express their respect and love for the old party members and let them feel the care and warmth of all sectors of society at the great moment of the Centennial founding of the party. Organize the company is cadres and employees to go into Santang village, Haihai village and sanzui village, Changxing Island street, visit party members with difficulties, send them condolences and gifts, express their concern and care for Party members with difficulties, and highlight the responsibility of the enterprise.

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